# # PhoenixMiner configuration file # # If there are no command-line parameters when PhoenixMiner is started, it will search # for config.txt file in the current directory and will read all command-line options from it # # You can put one or more command-line parameters on each line (separate them with spaces) # If the line starts with '#' it will be ignored as comment # # NOTE. PhoenixMiner also "understands" the config.txt files of Claymore's dual Ethereum miner # (but some of its options are not supported and will be ignored) # #-pool eu1.ethermine.org:4444 -pool2 us1.ethermine.org:4444 #-wal YourEthWalletAddress.WorkerName #-proto 3 #-cdm 2 # Uncomment this to force the miner to read the dual-mining pools from the dpools.txt file # instead of the command-line #-dcoin blake2s